We are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. We do not work on Bank Holidays.

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Social Prescribing really works.

Social prescribing helps people to address concerns in their life that are having a negative effect on their physical and mental wellbeing.  It could be debt problems, housing issues, loneliness…. or anything else.  It’s tailored to the individual and connects them to services that help them feel better and live healthier lives. Social isolation, emotional issues or wellbeing concerns can cause all sorts of conditions including anxiety, depression, stress and many more conditions.

By supporting people it can stop them even needing to visit a GP or go to A&E. This is great for the person and for the NHS!

We are funded by the NHS Leeds Clinical Commissioning Group which is dedicated to supporting the health of local people in Leeds. We work closely with our NHS partners and all the GP surgeries in Leeds.

Who Can Use Our Services?

Any resident of Leeds over 16, who is registered with a GP in the city.

Learn More

How to contact us

If you have questions or want to contact us, there are a few ways to do this.

Linking Leeds, The Reginald Centre
263 Chapeltown Road
Leeds, LS7 3EX

Please note: It takes longer to get a response when sending a letter.

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Get Support

The quickest and easiest way to get help for yourself or someone else is to fill in our contact form. If you are a GP you can use our Remote Booking service on SystmOne.